Show your own perspective and voice though photography
Mar 09, 2020
It's so common in today's world to do everything like everyone else. We seek to be someone different and to be someone else that we hardly think about how to express ourselves as photographers. We forget sometimes that this art form was created to show your own perspective and voice what you want to tell to the world.
I've been lost in my creative endeavors for many years. I've tried to photograph everything in my career: from products to weddings; from families to commercial fashion photoshoots. It took me a while to understand what it truly means to be a photographer and to find my path to creativity and authenticity.
But here I am, 10 years later, showing a path for other photographers how they can grow and change.
Because after all, photography allows you to talk about your point of view. You choose what to show in the shot and how to composition it, what to tell with it. And photography is another subjective art form that helps people to experience themselves deeper.
I not only learned that from my own perspective, but also from the reviews of my clients. They expressed that they have felt like they have never felt before, they became more confident and they've found a piece of themselves they never knew it existed through my photographs.
Our job as photographers is not only to show sensations in our work, but also let our clients experience it first hand. Let your creativity flow from the deepness of your personality and create authentic work...
Below you can see a few works of my students who participated in my Make Backdrop Masterclass. They've learned to create their own backdrops which allowed their work to be more authentic and show a piece of themselves through their work.
Backdrops and photos by our MBM student Marcos Aspiazu Photography
Backdrops and photos by our MBM student Silvers and Bynes Photography
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