Our Students' Backdrops

We are so proud of our students and we want to share their results.

They are active members of our community and here is what they have to say about our online courses.

Marcos Aspiazu

is a photographer specializing in beauty, fashion and headshots located in Charlotte, North Carolina.
IG @maspiazu


Filipe Ferreira

is a photographer specialising in Portraits, based in Lisbon, Portugal. 
IG @filipeferreiraphoto


Belinda Lansley

is a photographer and lover of fine art portraiture and Fuji X Series addict, based in Christchurch, NZ
IG @belindalansleyphotography


Kayt Silvers

is a photographer specialising in portrait, Editorial, Lookbook and Catalog Photography located in Massachusetts,  USA.
IG @silversandbynes


Kristina Bilousova

is a photographer specialising in Newborn, Maternity, Family and Children Photography, located in Bratislavský Kraj


Donnamaria Robinson Jones

is a photographer specialising in Portrait Photography, located in Maryland, United States.
IG @circalifeimages

Miguel Colinet

is a photographer specialising in Portrait, Wedding and Child Photography from Örebro, Sweden.
IG @micfoto_studio

David Choong

is a photographer specialising in  portraits, located in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
IG @david.wile_c

Gunther Frans

is a people photographer, based in Belgium.
IG @guntherfransphotography


50% Complete

Two Step

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